In 1993, at times of widespread economic and cultural crisis in Serbia, Zvono Gallery opened up its doors to young artists finishing their studies at the Fine Arts Academy and starting their careers.
Goal of the gallery was to gather and nurture young talents, and help them make their first steps.
The same students that have exhibited their work during the first years of Zvono Gallery are now acknowledged artists who have completed their post-graduate studies at various fine art academies throughout Europe, attained stipends and awards, and some have become professors at Serbian fine art academies.
Today, Zvono stands for persistence, perseverance and dedication to art without compromise.
It is still the only private gallery in Serbia mainly dedicated to young artists, but also a place that attracts renowned artists and institutions (it has provided space for eminent international exhibitions and workshops such as October Salon, Biennial of Young Artists, Real Presence, Long Night of Museums, etc.).
In 2005 Zvono Gallery presented its artists at the Viennese art fair “Viennafair” and in doing so it officially became the first private gallery in Serbia that made itself known in European art market. The fact that culture institutions from Serbia together with Erste Bank from Vienna supported Zvono at “Viennafair” speaks of the great importance of this gallery in young contemporary Serbian art.
Since its first breakthrough in Vienna, Zvono Gallery has been continuously presented at various contemporary art fairs such as Viennafair, Art Fair 21, Art Moscow, Kunstart.
U veme opšte ekonomske i kulturne krize u Srbiji, 1993. godine, galerija “Zvono” otvorila je vrata mladim umetnicima koji tek završavaju likovnu akademiju i nalaze se na početku karijere.
Cilj galerije bio je da se okupe i neguju mladi talenti, da im se pomogne da načine prve korake u svetu umetnosti.
Tadašnji studenti, koji su izlagali u prvim godinama postojanja “Zvona”, danas su priznati umetnici, sa završenim postdiplomskim studijama na evropskim likovnim akademijama, stipendijama i nagradama, dok su neki postali predavači na likovnim akademijama u Srbiji.
Danas je “Zvono” ime koje znači upornost, istrajnost i posvećenost umetnosti bez kompromisa.
“Zvono” je i danas jedina privatna galerija kod nas, koja je prvenstveno posvećena mladima. Istvoremeno, to je i prostor koji privlači istaknute umetnike i institucije, mesto gde su se održavale značajne izložbe u sklopu Oktobarskog salona, Bijenala mladih u Vršcu, Real presence, Noći muzeja...
Galerija “Zvono” je 2005. predstavila svoje autore na sajmu umetnosti “Viennafair” u Beču i tako zvanično postala prva privatna galerija iz Srbije koja je izašla na evropsko umetničko tržište. Činjenica da su ovaj nastup zajednički podržale domaće institucije kulture i Erste Bank iz Beča govori o velikoj važnosti Galerije za mladu umetnost kod nas.
Kontinuirano prisustvo na relevantnim sajmovima savremene umetnosti (Viennafair, Art Fair 21, Art Moscow, Kunstart) potvrđuje da je “Zvono” i dalje galerija broj jedan u Srbiji.